Lucky Cat

Pangolin is one of the most trafficked mammals in the world. The scale from a pangolin is misinterpreted as a useful medicine. When a pangolin senses danger, they will cover its head with its front legs and completely roll up into a ball for self-protection.
Design - KwunTing Wong
How it works

This project aims to remind people to stay away from them and make people know more about pangolins. The ball shape and scale are the features of a pangolin. Therefore, I designed it as a pangolin prototype. When the audience holds it up, the scale from the installation will stop moving. If the audience puts it back down, the scale will move again. The moving scale represents a living creature, but when the scales stop moving, this means it is dead because of the human disturbed them. The project information/meaning will be passed to the audience when they interact with the installation.

Pangolin: Self -Protection mood

Blood: dying, killing, hurting, blooding.

Bottle:Chinese medicine bottle